Almost all manuscripts accepted for publication require some revision. Referees also frequently make suggestions for improving language, structure, argument, and so on that are not required, but that may improve the manuscript if incorporated.
Revised manuscripts should be accompanied by a message that explains how the author(s) addressed the referees' recommendations for revision (see Peer Review for New Submissions). The author is advised to defend in detail any decision not to incorporate a specific recommendation, particularly on a theoretical point. The rationale may make the difference between approval and rejection.
After resubmission of the revised manuscript, CSRC Press will decide whether to approve the article for publication or to send it to one or both of the original referees for a follow-up evaluation. If a referee concludes that the manuscript needs further work, it will be returned to the author with the referees' comments.
All necessary permission forms are at the bottom of this page.
Preparing Illustrations
All Illustrations
Format: CSRC Press accepts illustrations submitted in electronic format. Do not send original materials. Images downloaded from Internet sources are of insufficient quality for print reproduction and cannot be used. Contact CSRC Press for instructions on transmitting large digital files.
All illustrations are printed in black and white.
Numbering: All illustrations, whether figures (photographs, artwork, graphs) or tables, must be numbered, and they must be "called out" in the manuscript by inserting the words "Figure 1 about here" after the paragraph in which the illustration is first mentioned.
Permissions: Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce works of art, copyrighted photographs, and graphs obtained from a published source.
Authors are responsible for all fees.
Allow sufficient time for securing permissions. Some museums and publishers require a minimum of six to eight weeks to process requests. CSRC Press requires receipt of printed request forms with original signatures; faxes, photocopies, and email communications will not be accepted. CSRC Press will postpone or refuse publication of any article if all permissions have not been secured by the time the copyediting phase of production is complete.
CSRC Press provides a sample letter that can be adapted for requesting permission to reproduce illustrations.
- Reproductions of artwork, photographs, and graphs are considered figures and are numbered according to their order of appearance in the manuscript.
- Place each figure in a separate electronic file. Label the file with the last name of the author, type of submission, and figure number(s) (for example: Smith essay 11-08 fig 3).
- Reproductions of artwork and photographs: Files must be in grayscale, in .tif format, and with a minimum 300 dpi.
- Author-produced digital photographs have the same requirements—.tif format, minimum 300 dpi—and they should be no smaller than 4 x 6 inches; 5 x 8 inches is preferred.
- Poor scans and snapshots, photographs shot from books, and scanned photocopies will not be accepted for publication.
Graphs: Author's graphs may be prepared with drawing (e.g., Illustrator) or spreadsheet (e.g., Excel) software.
- Graphs from print or online sources require permission to reproduce.
- Author-prepared graphs are usually reformatted by the designer for publication. It is the author's responsibility to ensure that graphs produced with spreadsheet software can be emended by the editor and the designer. All links must be broken with the source spreadsheet OR the spreadsheet (containing all the data) must be included. Graphs that cannot be emended may be dropped.
Captions: Every figure must have a caption. List captions by figure number at the end of the manuscript.
- Captions for artwork include the creator's name, title of the artwork, the date; medium and dimensions; credit line.
- Captions for photographs describe the content of the photograph and include date and location and, if applicable, photography credit.
Tables: Prepare tables in MS Word. Place each table in a separate file. Tables will be reformatted for publication.
- Number the tables according to their order of appearance in the manuscript.
- Give each table a title of no more than twelve words. Place the source (in author-date format) and any notes below the table.
- Label files with the lead name of the author, type of submission, and table with number(s) (for example: Smith essay 11-08 table 3).
Final Manuscript
After a revised manuscript is approved, the author must emend it, as necessary, to meet Aztlán style requirements. Manuscripts that do not follow style, particularly in regard to notes and documentation, will be returned to the author for emendation. CSRC Press reserves the right to refuse publication of articles that, upon repeated resubmission, do not meet style standards. For examples of Aztlán style, see the Aztlán Style Sheet attached below.
All figures and tables, plus all necessary statements of permission, must accompany the final manuscript. Publication may be deferred to another issue if illustrations or permissions are incomplete. All permission forms are attached below.
Components of the final submission are listed in the Submission and Resubmission Checklist attached below.
Production Process
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication and the author has submitted the final version, it goes through a production process that comprises three phases: copyediting, proofreading, and manufacturing.
Production follows a strict schedule and has tight deadlines. Failure on the part of the author to meet deadlines at any point in the production process may jeopardize publication of the article.
CSRC Press reserves the right to correct grammar, improve clarity, and impose Aztlán style. Authors are responsible for content, including the spelling of personal and place names.
The manuscript is edited electronically by a professional copyeditor. Instructions for responding to the editing and to the copyeditor's queries accompany the copyedited manuscript when it is sent to the author for review.
Authors generally have a week to review the copyediting. The manuscript then returns to CSRC Press, and the copyeditor does the clean-up edit. This edit occasionally generates new queries, which are sent to the author. The time allotted for responding to these follow-up questions may be as short as twenty-four hours.
After copyediting is complete, the issue is composed. Layout takes seven to ten days.
Page proof of articles are sent to authors as PDF files. Authors receive instructions for proofreading with the proof. Authors generally have a week to read the pages and send final corrections to CSRC Press. Proofreading very occasionally generates additional queries for the author; response to these queries usually must be made within twenty-four hours.
The issue is sent to manufacturing after all corrections are incorporated and the files are prepared according to the printer's specifications. Imposition, printing, binding, and shipping require six to eight weeks.
Manuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published previously in either print or electronic format and are not under consideration by another publication or electronic medium. A manuscript will be considered previously published if another work has, either singly or in combination: the same title; the same opening paragraph; 25 percent or more of the same content. Manuscripts that are accepted and subsequently found to be previously published will be dropped.
Upon acceptance of their submission, all authors must sign and return a completed copyright agreement.
The author transfers all copyright ownership exclusively to the Regents of the University of California in the event that such work is published by Aztlán. The Regents have the exclusive right to publish, to copyright, and to allow or deny reproduction of the submission, in whole or in part, although authors are usually granted the right to reprint their submission in a collected volume of their own work. In consideration of the transfer of copyright to the publisher, each author receives five complimentary copies of the issue in which the article appears.
Questions or concerns about copyright should be directed to CSRC Press before a manuscript is submitted.
Thank you for submitting to Aztlán.