Previous Library Exhibition

Latina Lesbian Lineage

September 26 - December 13, 2024

In the library and hallway vitrine

As part of the Latina Futures 2050 Lab, the exhibition Latina Lesbian Lineage highlights the historical narratives of changemakers Laura M. Esquivel, Elena I. Popp, and Yolanda Retter Vargas, all pivotal players in local, regional, and national Latina organizations aimed at advancing Latine LGBT rights and political presence. The exhibit showcases the archival material of these Latina lesbians women who catalyzed social changes that positively impacted future generations of Latinas, LGBTQ communities, and the overall social, cultural, and political conditions of Latine people in the U.S.

The curated materials depict both individual interests and historical overlap among the three women grounded in their advocacy for LGBTQ Latine communities. Some connections among collections include work with the organizations Gay and Lesbian Latinos Unidos (GLLU) and Lesbianas Unidas (LU), ephemera from LGBTQ protests, and newsletters covering LGBTQ topics and issues.

Curated by Latina Futures graduate fellows Vanessa Quintero and Jocelyne Sanchez.

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