Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies

Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies is published twice a year, in fall and spring, in issues of 250 to 300 pages. For information about subscribing and ordering single issues, visit https://online.ucpress.edu/aztlan/pages/subscriptions


Single Copies

The A Ver: Revisioning Art History series is distributed by the University of Minnesota Press; order online at www.upress.umn.edu.
All other series and recent titles are distributed by the University of Washington Press; order online at www.washington.edu/uwpress.

Copies for Libraries and Institutions

Contact the Press for information on institutional pricing: support@chicano.ucla.edu or (310) 825-3428.

Examination/Desk Copies

For books, please contact the distributor of the book you wish to receive:
For University of Washington Press, contact: http://www.washington.edu/uwpress/resources/exam_policy.html
For University of Minnesota Press, contact: http://www.upress.umn.edu/information/examination-and-desk-copies


Single Copies

DVDs in the Chicano Cinema and Media Arts Series are sold through the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press. Contact the Press to place an order: support@chicano.ucla.edu or (310) 825-3428. Only major credit cards are accepted.

Copies for Libraries and Institutions

The UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center is committed to providing affordable institutional access to these rare films and videos. Institutional pricing includes limited public performance rights. Contact the Press for more information on institutional pricing: support@chicano.ucla.edu or (310) 825-3428.

Reports and Briefs

All CSRC published reports and briefs are free of charge and are available online in PDF format.

Contact the Press

For more information about CSRC Press publications, contact support@chicano.ucla.edu.