erving Blacks and Latinos with AIDS: A Case Study from Los Angeles
Rodríguez, and Vera F. Owens. 1990.
Working Papers Series Two, No. 2.
Paper. $2.00.

Rodríguez, and Vera F. Owens. 1990.
Working Papers Series Two, No. 2.
Paper. $2.00.
Study of how poverty affects Blacks and Latinos with AIDS.
To order, contact the Press:

Robe, Stanley L., ed. 1971.
Monograph Series, no. 2. 75 pages.
Paper. $25.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-001-4.
A selection, in Spanish, of folktales, jests, legends, beliefs, popular
medicines, prayers, verses, children's games, riddles, and customs. Tremendous archival, historical, and literary value.
To order, contact the Press:

Gómez-Quiñones, Juan. 1979.
Monograph Series, no 5. 173 pages.
Paper. $30.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-010-3.
Story of the anarchist's trials and tribulations.
To order, contact the Press:

Paredes, Américo, ed. 1977.
Monograph Series, no. 6. 144 pages.
Paper. $30.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-007-3
Collection of essays by top Chicano educators.
To order, contact the Press:

Romero, Fred E. 1979.
Monograph Series, no. 8. 160 pages.
Paper. $20.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-011-1.
Provides a comprehensive statistical profile on the Chicano labor force.
To order, contact the Press:

Haro, Carlos M. 1977.
Monograph Series, no. 9. 92 pages.
Paper. $20.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-012-x.
Focuses on the famous desegregation case of Crawford vs. Board of Education, the first desegregation case in the United States.
To order, contact the Press:

Acuña, Rodolfo F. 1984.
Monograph Series, no. 11. 523 pages.
Paper. $25.00
ISBN: 978-0-89551-066-9.
The first edition of Acuña's famous history of Chicanos living in East Los Angeles.
To order, contact the Press:

Rodríguez, Armando R. 1974.
Creative Series, no. 2. 90 pages.
Paper. $35.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-005-7.
Vignettes on the daily life of Chicanos.
To order, contact the Press:

Sánchez, Ricardo. 1976.
Creative Series, no. 3. 321 pages.
Paper. $50.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-024-3.
Powerful prose and poetry, with illustrations.
To order, contact the Press:

Haro, Carlos M. 1978.
Occasional Paper Series, no. 1. 57 pages.
Paper. $20.00.
ISBN: 978-0-89551-019-07.
A critical examination of how college admissions criteria affects the nonwhite and poor.
To order, contact the Press:

Sánchez, Rosaura, and Rosa Martínez, eds. 1977.
Anthology Series, no. 1. 194 pages.
Paper. $25.00
ISBN: 978-0-89551-020-0.
An important, pioneering collection of Chicana feminist writings.
To order, contact the Press:

Barrera, Mario, and Geraldo Vialpando. 1974.
Pamphlet no. 1. 36 pages.
Paper. $30.00
ISBN: 978-0-89551-017-0.
Interviews with famous Chicano activists.
To order, contact the Press:

Rodríguez, Jaime E. 1983.
Popular Series, no. 3. 46 pages.
Paper. $20.00
ISBN: 978-0-89551-064-2.
Rodriguez's distinguished faculty lecture.
To order, contact the Press: