A Vision for Thriving Salton Sea Communities
Findings from a Pathways to a Resilient Salton Sea Survey

By Chantiri Abarca, Victoria Ciudad-Real, and Desiree Rodriguez

CSRC Research on California's Youth and Young Adults
September 2024

Alianza Coachella Valley brings together community members, nonprofit organizations, researchers, and government officials to pursue projects that can help the Salton Sea region thrive. As part of its mission to improve the regon's environmental condition and residents' quality of life, Alianza, in collaboration with the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center (CSRC), developed and administered the Pathways to a Resilient Salton Sea Survey to East Coachella Valley residents.

The sample included 119 seasonal workers and 124 other adult residents. In addition, the sample included 103 youths between the ages of 11 and 17, 13 of whom were also seasonal workers. Staff and student researchers from the CSRC analyzed and de-identified data as part of a community-research partnership with Alianza.