CSRC Press publications explore the Chicana/o and Latina/o experience and embrace a range of disciplines.
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The A Ver series explores the cultural, aesthetic, and historical contributions of Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Dominican, and other U.S. Latino artists. Each volume presents an overview of the artist’s career and an assessment of the artist’s works. The books feature full-color illustrations and include an exhibition history and a bibliography. Titles in this series are distributed by the University of Minnesota Press.
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CSRC Press publishes catalogs for museum exhibitions for which CSRC has been the organizer or a collaborator. Chicana/o and Latina/o art is the subject of these volumes, all of which feature scholarly essays, bibliographic material, and color illustrations.
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The Chicano Archives brings together resources related to major Chicano special collections, drawing primarily on collections in the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Library. The goal is to facilitate access to these collections and to stimulate new critical and historical research based on archival sources. Titles in this series are distributed by the University of Washington Press.
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This series presents selected essays from Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies. The anthologies, which collect the scholarship of both established and emerging scholars, are widely used in college courses. Titles in this series are distributed by the University of Washington Press.
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In addition to its book series, the CSRC Press publishes occasional titles on a wide range of subjects related to Chicana/o and Latina/o studies. These books are distributed by the University of Washington Press.