Paths to Discovery
Autobiographies from Chicanas with Careers in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
Other Recent Titles
January 2011. Originally released January 2008.
In Paths to Discovery a group of extraordinary Chicanas trace how their interest in math and science at a young age developed into a passion fed by talent and determination. Today they are teaching at major universities, setting public and institutional policy, and pursuing groundbreaking research. These testimonios-personal stories-will encourage young Chicanas to enter the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering and to create futures in classrooms, boardrooms, and laboratories across the nation.
Norma E. Cantu is professor of English and U.S. Latina/o literatures at the University of Texas, San Antonio. The contributors include Elma Gonzalez, Aida Hurtado, Diana Marinez, Cleopatria Mart'nez, Lupita D. Montoya, Elvia Elisa Niebla, Elizabeth Rodriguez-Johnson, Elsa Cantu Ruiz, Deborah Santiago, Lydia Villa-Komaroff, Maria Elena Zavala, and Martha Cecilia Zuniga.
ISBN (paper):
266 pages.
6 x 9 inches