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March 16, 2021

CSRC director Chon A. Noriega was quoted in this story about Latino-focused films that have been nominated this year by members of the US Congress for inclusion in the National Film Registry.


March 1, 2021

Church of the Epiphany entered into the National Register of Historic Places, new publications featuring La Raza photographs, updated collection finding aids, the Spring 2021 issue of Aztlán featuring a tribute to Juan Gómez-Quiñones, and more in this month's newsletter!

(Image: Chicano organizer Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales, center, speaks during a lunch gathering at the Church of the Epiphany in Nov. 1968. ©La Raza Staff. From the La Raza Photograph Collection.)

February 23, 2021

Rita Gonzalez, head of contemporary art at LACMA and former CSRC arts project coordinator, and Mari Carmen Ramirez, curator of Latin American art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, director of the International Center for the Arts of the Americas, and co-curator of the CSRC-organized exhibition Home—So Different, So Appealing (2017–18), discuss supporting Latin American and Latinx Art during and after the pandemic.

February 10, 2021

KCRW reported on the new IAC archival project “Archiving the Age of Mass Incarceration,” funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Bunche Center director Kelly Lytle Hernández was interviewed for the story.

February 9, 2021

This story about a webinar hosted by Cornell University on February 24 named Ella Maria Diaz as one of the panelists. Diaz is the author of the recently released José Montoya, volume 12 in the A Ver: Revisioning Art History series from CSRC Press.

February 5, 2021

The exhibition Laura Aguilar: Show and Tell, organized by the Vincent Price Art Museum in collaboration with the CSRC and now on view at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art through May 9, was recommended in a roundup of current exhibitions in New York City.

February 5, 2021

CSRC director Chon A. Noriega and Bunche Center director Kelly Lytle Hernández were quoted in this story about the Mellon-funded archival project “Archiving the Age of Mass Incarceration,” a collaboration of UCLA’s four ethnic studies research centers.
