Opportunity: Getty Marrow Multicultural Undergraduate Internships at the CSRC
In Summer 2022, the CSRC will host two paid summer internships structured around current and ongoing CSRC projects. One internship will involve Archival Preservation and Research; the other will involve Publications. In addition to contributing to the CSRC’s mission to provide information resources on Chicano history and culture, the interns will gain career-relevant experience. To apply for either internship, please send a resume, cover letter, and two professional or educational references to the contacts noted below. For more details about the Getty Marrow MUI program, visit the Getty website.
Archival Preservation and Research Internship:
The Getty Marrow Archival Research and Preservation Internship will focus on the role research and preservation play in developing access, outreach, and user engagement for exhibitions. The internship will introduce an intern to archival principles and theory; processing art archives and cultural heritage collections; research and description for art objects; digital preservation and access; and other museum activities the CSRC performs to manage and provide access to our art collections. The intern will be working specifically behind the scenes of a collaborative exhibition between the CSRC and the National Museum of American History. Using CSRC collections, the intern will do research on the themes of the NMAH exhibition and select art and ephemera that best represent the stories the CSRC and NMAH aim to tell regarding Latinx youth movements. The intern will also have the opportunity to digitize artwork and ephemera they want to highlight from their research in the CSRC Archive and add them to our online portal on Chicanx art collections. Over the course of the internship, the intern will learn about describing collections and artwork; writing artist biographies and historical notes; researching provenance and how to conduct archival research; learning workflows to support museum requests; best practices for digital preservation for cultural objects; and more. Interns will work onsite at UCLA under the supervision and guidance of the Archivist for a period of ten weeks. Interns must schedule their work Monday through Friday during regular business hours.
For the Archival Preservation and Research Internship, please send (1) a cover letter, (2) resume, and (3) the names of two references to Xaviera Flores, Librarian and Archivist, at floresx@ucla.edu. Deadline to apply: Monday, April 11, 11:59 PDT
Publication Internship:
The Getty Marrow Publication Internship will focus on learning about peer-reviewed academic publication in the visual arts. The intern will work on the book series A Ver: Revisioning Art History. The A Ver series developed as part of a systemic effort by the CSRC to address this lack of Latino representation in the arts. Since 2007, the CSRC Press has published 12 monographs in the series, and is currently preparing five new titles for publication that focus on individual Puerto Rican, Dominican, and Chicana artists. The A Ver project is unique in its integration of peer-reviewed scholarship on Latinx art and artists with related efforts to publish oral histories, provide digital access to audiovisual records, and collaboration on public programs and exhibitions related to the release of the book. The intern will work closely with the series editor and production editor on all aspects of book production, including (1) permissions, (2) preparation of the art program, (3) revision and updating of the exhibition history and bibliography, (4) copyediting, and (5) layout and design. The intern will also have an opportunity to interact with the artists, in particular with respect to preparation of oral history transcriptions. Interns will work onsite at UCLA under the supervision and guidance of the editors for a period of ten weeks. Interns must schedule their work Monday through Friday during regular business hours.
For the Publication Internship, please send (1) a cover letter, (2) resume, and (3) the names of two references to Chon Noriega, A Ver Series Editor, at cnoriega@ucla.edu. Deadline to apply: Monday, April 11, 2022, 11:59 PDT.
- Be of a group underrepresented in museums and visual arts organizations, including, but not limited to, individuals of African American, Asian, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, or Pacific Islander descent;
- Be currently enrolled undergraduates (bachelor's degree program, associate's degree program, or a vocational or technical program below the baccalaureate level). Students must have completed at least one semester or two quarters of college by June 2022. Students who graduated after April 1, 2022, are also eligible. (Students who are enrolled in a second BA or BS program are not eligible.)
- Reside or attend college in Los Angeles County; and
- Be a United States citizen or permanent resident (non-citizen authorized to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis; also known as a "green card" holder). Students with DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) status valid through the internship period are also eligible.
The internships are full-time (40 hours/week) positions, each with a stipend of $6,400, for a consecutive ten-week work period between June and August 2022.