
Subscribe to CSRC News
June 13, 2021

CSRC director Chon Noriega was quoted in a story about the historically poor representation of Latinos in the Hollywood entertainment industry.

June 8, 2021

The UCLA Newsroom reported the appointment of Veronica Terriquez, associate professor of sociology at UC Santa Cruz, to the position of CSRC director. Terriquez will hold faculty appointments in the departments of urban planning and Chicana/o and Central American studies.

June 8, 2021

On June 8, David K. Yoo, vice provost of the Institute of American Cultures, formally announced the appointment of Dr. Veronica Terriquez to director of the CSRC. Terriquez begins her five-year term July 1. Photo by Ernesto Chávez

June 2, 2021

Monique Garcia, who worked as an intern at the CSRC in summer 2020 on the Chicano Moratorium 50th Anniversary Project, was featured in a story about three graduating Mellon Mays fellows at Cal State Fullertion who will pursue graduate degrees.

June 2, 2021

CSRC Press wins gold at the Independent Publisher Book Awards, CSRC director Chon A. Noriega's parting message, the 2020-21 visiting scholars report, new videos on CSRC YouTube, CSRC resources for Pride Month, and more, in this month's newsletter!

May 27, 2021

The monthly newsletter of the School of Theater, Film, and Television highlighted the Los Angeles Times feature on CSRC director Chon Noriega.

May 24, 2021

The print edition of the Q&A with CSRC director Chon Noriega on the eve of his stepping down from leading the CSRC.
