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November 1, 2005
In 1972, Self Help Graphics & Art hosted their first Dia de los Muertos event, an annual celebration that quickly came to have a significant impact on the cultural life of the city.
September 9, 2005

The Chronicle of Higher Education published an editorial by CSRC director Chon A. Noriega on recent protests against immigrant and minority rights, including freedom of speech.

September 1, 2005
Welcome back! We have a lot on our agenda this academic year, including conferences on education and leadership.
July 12, 2005

Article mentions Latino policy and issues brief.

Inside Higher Ed, July 12, 2005

June 3, 2005

Story introducing the A Ver: Revisioning Art History book series, which is devoted to the artistic and cultural contributions of Latino artists

Chronicle of Higher Education, June 3, 2005

June 1, 2005
“It was better before they came.” This phrase can be found in Southern California near the Baldwin Park Metrolink station on a public artwork that includes numerous inscriptions reflecting the region's diverse history.
June 1, 2005

Story by Max Benavidez introducing the groundbreaking CSRC book series, A Ver: Revisioning Art History

Bomb, Summer 2005

May 3, 2005
"Professors who are part of the four ethnic study centers on campus play a role in drawing undergraduate minority students to UCLA, and in retaining them."
Daily Bruin, May 3, 2005
May 1, 2005
New billboards for a local Spanish-language newscast announce: "Los Angeles, California Mexico – Tu Ciudad. Tu Equipo."
