Media coverage on the latest report in the Hate Speech in the Media project.
Radio World Online, August 29, 2012
HSN Health News reports on the CSRC study using biological markers to determine the impact of hate speech on listeners to conservative talk radio
Hispanically Speaking News, August 25, 2012
Chon A. Noriega is quoted in this article about Asco
Los Angeles Review of Books, August 23, 2012
An NPR story on college-bound Latinos quotes research by Daniel Solorzano, UCLA professor of education and former associate director of the CSRC.
UCLA News, August 23, 2012
In episode #216, socio-digital strategist Lauren DeLisa Coleman reports on the latest findings in the CSRC's Hate Speech in the Media project
LCD Radio, August 30, 2012
Listen here:
Devon G. Peña discusses the report "Using Biological Markers to Measure Stress in Listeners of Commercial Talk Radio," the third and final study in the CSRC's Hate Speech in the Media Project.
mexmigration (blog), August 21, 2012
Promotes the CSRC commemorative event to be held on August 29, 2012
La Bloga, August 13, 2012
Reports on the release of Social Networks for Hate Speech
Media Matters for America (blog), August 3, 2012