Carlos Haro, CSRC project coordinator and former assistant director, is quoted in this story on recent poll conducted of UCLA Latino undergraduates regarding their preferred presidential candidate.
Daily Bruin, November 1, 2012
Opinion piece rebutting an article and opinion column published in the Daily Bruin about the legality of the freshman admissions process. CSRC director Chon Noriega and CSRC associate director Alex Ortega are among the faculty signees.
Daily Bruin, October 30, 2012
A study commissioned by the Getty suggests the widespread art event was a big success. The CSRC L.A. Xicano exhibitions were organized for Pacific Standard Time initiative.
Los Angeles Times, October 31, 2012
Chon Noriega is interviewed by Matthias Stork, an M.A. student in the UCLA Cinema and Media Studies program, for the UCLA Mediascape blog.
Mediascape (blog), October 30, 2012
Chon Noriega is quoted in this story about the long-running variety TV show Sabado Gigante. An abbreviated version of the story appeared in the Union-Bulletin of Walla Walla, Washington.
This critique of radio personality Rush Limbaugh's racist, sexist, and homophobic statements on air cites a study from the CSRC Hate Speech in the Media project.
Madison County Courier, October 26, 2012
CSRC director Chon Noriega is quoted in this story about the unveiling of the restored David Alfaro Siqueiros mural “América Tropical” (1932) eighty years after it was painted.
ArtInfo, October 10, 2012