Research Study Announced: "Invisible No More: The Evaluation of the Smithsonian Institution and Latino Representation"
The CSRC is partnering with the UCLA Latino Politics and Policy Institute (LPPI) to undertake a formal study of employment equity at the Smithsonian and how the nation’s preeminent art and cultural institution reflects and represents Latinos as part of U.S. cultural heritage. This study will follow up on the Smithsonian’s own 1994 report "Willful Neglect: The Smithsonian Institution and U.S. Latinos" that found Latinos comprised only 2.7 percent of the workforce, with no Latinos in senior management or
executive leadership. CSRC director Chon A. Noriega is one of the principal investigators for the project. To read the press release. click here or the PDF below.
UCLA Latino Politics and Policy Institute, June 18, 2018