New Report: "Shared Experiences: How Social Media Affects the Well-Being and Empowerment of Girls and Young Women"

May 2023

Social media plays a vital role in the lives of many young people, influencing how they connect to their peers and the broader society. This report focuses primarily on social media because it is more strongly associated with negative mental health outcomes than other forms of screen time, including TV, movies, and video games.

Principal Investigators:
  • Veronica Terriquez, CSRC Director and Professor of Urban Planning and Chicana/o and Central American Studies, UCLA
  • Monique Lane, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Saint Mary's College of California
  • Jazmine Miles, Research Project Manager, UC Santa Cruz
This report is co-published by the California Partners Project and the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.
This research was supported by the Latina Futures 2050 Lab and the California Partners Project.
For more information and the California Partners press release for the project, visit