MEDIA: Self Help Graphics Anniversary Publication Includes CSRC Contributors
On November 2, Self Help Graphics & Art celebrated its fortieth year of holding Dia de los Muertos festivities with an exhibition, live music, DJs, and traditional face painting, processions, and a blessing. A newspaper was also printed for the occasion, featuring contributions by Daniel Gonzalez, CSRC work-study student; Carlos Haro, CSRC assistant director emeritus; and Colin Gunckel, assistant professor at University of Michigan and the editor of Self-Help Graphics & Art: Art in the Heart of East Los Angeles, volume 1 in the CSRC's Chicano Archives series. Ella Maria Diaz, assistant professor at Cornell University and author of the spotlighted article from the Fall 2013 issue of Aztlán, also contributed to the publication.
La Calavera Pocha, November 2, 2013