Veronica Terriquez, CSRC director (first row, left), and Eder Gaona-Macedo, CSRC Senior Officer of Community-Engaged-Research (first row, right), lead students in the California Freedom Summer Participatory Action Research Project.
Volume 21, Number 1
Director’s Message
As 2022 comes to a close, I am grateful for the meaningful partnerships that have enabled the CSRC to engage in research and programming that advances awareness about Latinx and other diverse populations in California and beyond. We have had a busy year and can celebrate our collective accomplishments.
Here at UCLA, the CSRC has continued to play an important role in advancing Latinx scholarship, faculty hiring, and community building as our university prepares to become a Hispanic Serving Institution. There is much work for us to do, especially in STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields, as evidenced by the UCLA HSI Task Force Report, which offers recommendations for recruiting and ensuring the academic success of Latinx students. UCLA is fortunate to have a chancellor, Gene Block, who has made historic investments in the success of Latinx students on our campus. He recently appointed Darnell Hunt as executive vice chancellor and provost. Hunt, former director of the Bunche Center for African American Studies, has a strong track record of addressing issues of diversity and equity on campus and beyond. At the CSRC, our committed Faculty Advisory Committee is working on faculty hiring, selecting and supporting postdoctoral scholars, administering research funds, and developing a strategy to support the success and growth of Latinx scholars in STEM fields on our campus. Faculty also provide invaluable guidance and support for the CSRC Library as it expands its collections and maintains a local and national presence. Importantly, Charlene Villaseñor Black continues her leadership as editor of Aztlán, the flagship journal in Chicano studies, which is published by CSRC Press. Meanwhile Chon Noriega, former CSRC director, continues his visionary work through the A Ver: Revisioning Art History book series and serves in a guiding role as a special advisor to the chancellor on Latinx affairs, alongside Sylvia Hurtado, professor of education.
With many thanks to the Latino Policy and Politics Institute for its pathbreaking work and to the California State Legislature for its investment of 15 million dollars, the CSRC has embarked on a new project, the Latina Futures, 2050 Lab, which will investigate Latinas’ experiences in the labor market, their participation in civic leadership, and their well-being. This work is driven in part by the fact that Latinas experience a significant wage gap and also remain extremely underrepresented in critical fields that will determine the future of our state, our country, and our planet. We are also aware that Latinas make up a growing number of K-12 teachers and administrators, are the majority of child-care workers in California, and are the mothers of over half the children in the state. Hence, our intersectional research for the Latina Futures project will involve a wide range of invested partners and will aim to have lasting implications for Latinas, women of color more broadly, and all children and youth.
As director of the CSRC, I have prioritized research and programming that centers the needs of younger populations who are coming of age in an era marked by growing economic inequality, increasing political polarization, and an intensifying climate crisis. As part of this work, alongside the Institute of American Culture's other ethnic studies research centers, the CSRC launched the California Freedom Summer Participatory Action Research Project. In 2022, the Freedom Summer program offered coursework and training on civic engagement, organizing, and research to more than one hundred young leaders from UC’s nine undergraduate campuses, plus some community colleges. Freedom Summer participants reached out to their peers throughout California in the months before the 2022 midterm elections, registering more than five thousand potential young voters while promoting and inspiring civic engagement in low-income communities in the state. These inspiring student leaders hosted conferences, concerts, and other events across the state, not only to promote civic engagement but also to provide information about college access and to discuss the multiple issues that young people face today as further shown in a short video about the program. Jose Orellana from Delano’s Loud 4 Tomorrow; Kennedy McIntyre, a UCLA undergraduate; and I shared Freedom Summer’s many successes at an invited presentation at the UC Regents meeting on November 16. This project also allowed the CSRC and UCLA affiliates to forge important links with institutions and organizations across the state. Project advisors included faculty partners from the nine UC undergraduate campuses and select community colleges and high schools, plus community partners from thirty-two nonprofit organizations. Essential guidance and grassroots infrastructure support was furnished by YO! California, Power California, and Future Leaders of America. In addition, philanthropic partners and individual donors provided generous financial assistance. The CSRC plans to continue these partnerships through ongoing participatory action research that will address community concerns and promote the inclusion of ethnic studies curricula in California high schools. We will also work to increase access to four-year colleges and universities for students from California’s underserved communities.
As we look forward to 2023, I hope to deepen and expand the CSRC’s valuable partnerships. Our communities, especially our Latina residents and our youth, have a lot at stake. It is my belief that through collective efforts, the CSRC will continue to succeed in its mission to advance research and programming that advances equity and inclusivity.
Happy Holidays!
Veronica Terriquez
Director and Professor
The CSRC recognizes the current labor strike by UC academic workers. The CSRC endorses an equitable solution toward the goal of improved living and working conditions for academic workers.
IAC Visiting Research Scholar Fellowship in Ethnic Studies, 2023-24
The UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC) offers in-residence appointments to support research on African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Chicana/os. The IAC especially encourages applications that advance our understanding of new social and cultural realities occasioned by the dramatic population shifts of recent decades. For more information and an application preview, visit
Deadline to apply: January 12, 2023
IUPLR/UIC Mellon Dissertation Fellows Program, 2023–24
The Inter-University Program for Latino Research is now accepting applications for the IUPLR/UIC Mellon Fellowship Program. This is a comprehensive program that provides financial, writing, and professionalization support to doctoral students in the humanities who are writing dissertations in Latinx studies. For more information and to apply, visit
Deadline to apply: January 31, 2023*
*Prior to applying, UCLA doctoral candidates must contact Rebecca Epstein, CSRC assistant director, repstein@chicano.ucla.edu to verify eligibility.
IAC Research Grants for UCLA Students, Faculty, and Staff
The UCLA Institute of American Cultures (IAC) invites applications for support of research on African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Chicana/os for 2023–24. The IAC also invites proposals on interethnic relations that will increase collaboration between the four IAC centers and/or between the IAC ethnic studies research centers and other campus units. For more information and an application preview, visit
Deadline to apply: March 1, 2023
CSRC Press wins ILBAs
The Artist as Eyewitness: Antonio Bernal Papers, 1884–2019, edited by Charlene Villaseñor Black and published by CSRC Press, won the Gold Medal for Best Biography–English, plus Honorable Mention in two categories, Best Arts Book and Best Nonfiction–Multi-Author, at the 2022 International Latino Book Awards (ILBAs).
Ortiz elected to ASA chair
Vilma Ortiz, professor of sociology at UCLA and member and former chair of the CSRC Faculty Advisory Committee, has been voted chair-elect of the Latina/o/x Section of the American Sociological Association.
Guzmán receives grant
Joshua Javier Guzmán, assistant professor of gender studies and chair of the CSRC Faculty Advisory Committee, is the recipient of a 2022 Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant. The grant will support Guzmán’s book project, “Brown Exposures: Queer Photography and the Literary Aperture,” which investigates experimental Latinx and queer punk photography and writing that was produced between 1979 and 1995, in the context of the Reagan years, the AIDS crisis, and Latinx and queer histories.
Chavarria named emerging poverty scholar fellow
Karina Chavarria, assistant professor of sociology at CSU Channel Islands, has been named as a recipient of a 2022-24 Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship from the University of Wisconsin’s Institute for Research on Poverty. Chavarria is co-principal investigator with CSRC director Veronica Terriquez on the CSRC research project “Transitions to Adulthood among Oxnard Youth during Covid-19 Pandemic and Recovery.”
Fajardo-Hill named director of fellowship program
Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, independent curator, former CSRC visiting research scholar, and contributor to the CSRC Press publication
Christina Fernandez: Multiple Exposures, has been named director of the ASU-LACMA Master’s Fellowship in Art History program. The program offers fellowships for the three-year master’s degree program in art history at Arizona State University. The program, designed to increase inclusivity in the museum field, is a partnership between Arizona State University, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Heard Museum in Phoenix, and Perez Art Museum Miami. Chon Noriega, former CSRC director, helped launch the partnership with LACMA in 2018.
Carpio wins award
Genevieve Carpio, associate professor of Chicana/o and Central American studies at UCLA, won the 2022 Michael P. Malone Award from the Western History Association for her article “Zorro Down Under: Settler Colonial Architecture and Racial Scripts en Route from California to Australia,” published in
Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies (vol. 46, no. 1, spring 2021). The award was presented to Carpio at the association’s annual conference in October. The article may be purchased and downloaded from
Ingenta Connect.
Herrera publishes book
IAC releases annual report
In September, the UCLA Institute of American Cultures, which houses UCLA’s four ethnic studies research centers, released its annual report for academic year 2021-22. Included are highlights of accomplishments during the year at each center, including the CSRC. The report can be viewed as a PDF
Fernandez survey on view
Christina Fernandez: Multiple Exposures, a mid-career retrospective of the art photography of Los Angeles-based artist and Bruin Christina Fernandez, opened September 10 at the California Museum of Photography at UC Riverside. The exhibition will remain on view through February 5, 2023, at which point it will travel to additional venues. The show was curated by Joanna Szupinska. Chon A. Noriega, former CSRC director, served as curatorial advisor. The exhibition catalog, edited by Rebecca Epstein, CSRC assistant director, is a joint publication of UCR Arts and CSRC Press (see
PRESS, below).
Arhoolie Foundation launches online exhibition of Mexican music in California
Freddy Rodriguez, presenté!
The CSRC mourns the passing of artist Freddy Rodriguez. Born in the Dominican Republic, Rodriguez moved to New York in his teens. He passed away October 10 at the age of seventy-six. A monograph on the artist, authored by curator E. Carmen Ramos as part of CSRC Press’s
A Ver: Revisioning Art History series, is in development. Freddy Rodriguez, presenté!
Book Talk: Kelly Lytle Hernández presents Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire and Revolution in the Borderlands (October 27) (VIDEO)
Kelly Lytle Hernández, Thomas E. Lifka Endowed Chair in History and director of the Bunche Center for African American Studies, presented her new book Bad Mexicans (Norton, 2022), which tells the dramatic story of the magonistas, rebels—mainly miners, farmworkers, and cotton pickers—who aligned themselves with Ricardo Flores Magón, exiled critic of Porfirio Díaz. From the United States, Magón and his allies directed raids against Díaz’s supporters in northern Mexico, and these attacks by the magonistas helped spark the Mexican Revolution. Fernando Pérez-Montesinos, assistant professor of history, served as commentator. This event was organized by the UCLA Latin American Institute’s Center for Mexican Studies and co-sponsored by the Latin American Institute, the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, the Division of Social Sciences, the Center for the Study of International Migration, and the CSRC.
Press Event: Latina Futures, 2050 Lab Launch with California State Lawmakers (November 2) (VIDEO)
Lawmakers from the California State Latino Legislative Caucus visited UCLA on November 2 to award $15 million in funding to the Latina Futures, 2050 Lab. Latina Futures, a project of the CSRC and the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute (LPPI), supports research and analyzes data on the experiences of US Latinas and the policies that affect their lives. During the event, funding was also awarded to the Hollywood Diversity Report, now issued twice a year. Research for the 2022 reports was led by Ana-Christina Ramón, director of the UCLA Entertainment and Media Research Initiative and affiliated faculty expert with the LPPI. The Hollywood Diversity Report reveals the underrepresentation of people of color in key creative jobs in the film and television industries.
Exhibitions with CSRC loans
The following exhibitions currently on view include images and artworks from CSRC collections and publications.
Museum of Anthropology, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, through January 1, 2023
The Autry Museum, Los Angeles, CA, ongoing
Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Washington, DC, online
The CSRC Library is currently open Tuesday-Thursday, 1-5 p.m. and by appointment. For researcher visits, please fill out an archival research application to make your request. For all other inquiries, please email librarian@chicano.ucla.edu. To learn more about available CSRC Library and Chicanx/Latinx resources, please visit our research guide at https://guides.library.ucla.edu/csrc. UCLA students are encouraged to seek reference assistance via the UCLA Slack Channel: #csrc-library-reference.
New release: Christina Fernandez: Multiple Exposures
This exhibition catalog examines the work of Los Angeles–based photographer Christina Fernandez. Among Fernandez’s best-known works are
María’s Great Expedition, in which the artist photographs herself as her immigrant grandmother, and the Lavanderia series, photographs created from layered images that offer glimpses into Eastside Los Angeles laundromats and the lives of their customers. The catalog’s six essays are supplemented with excerpts from three interviews with the artist. Together, they offer critical perspectives on Fernandez’s radical intellectual and formal agenda and reveal the multiple senses of “exposure” that are at play in her art. The catalog, which was edited by CSRC assistant editor Rebecca Epstein, is a copublication of CSRC Press and UCR Arts. It is available for purchase from the distributor for CSRC Press publications,
University of Washington Press.
Fall issue of Aztlán now available
The Fall 2022 issue of
Aztlán features essays on conceptualizations of identity in Alex Donis's artwork, Gloria E. Anzaldúa’s concept of “autohisteoría,” and the Ford Foundation’s relationship to the Chicano movement. The essays in the dossier section consider "the potential of Chicana/o studies to address issues of racism, power, and oppression," as noted by the section's curators, Natalia Deeb-Sossa and Theresa Montaño. Patrick Martinez, a Los Angeles–based visual artist, is featured on the cover and in the artist's communiqué. For information on subscriptions and ordering single issues,
click here.
Report on youth activism in Central Coast communities
Future Leaders of America (FLA) is a nonprofit organization that supports the academic achievement and civic engagement of Latinx youths who are from low-income backgrounds and whose parents work primarily in agriculture and other low-wage industries.
Future Leaders of America: The Critical Role of Youth Activism in Central Coast Communities, a new report from CSRC Press, looks at recent achievements of this group of young people, including thirteen grassroots campaigns that led to important educational and civic changes in the students’ communities. Authors of the report are Veronica Terriquez, director of the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center; Alyssa Cazares, a 2022 graduate from UC Berkeley; and Jose Negrete, graduate student
in the Urban Planning Department at UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs. The report can be downloaded as a PDF from the
CSRC website.
Report on youth organizing efforts in the Inland Empire
Inland Congregations United for Change (ICUC) has played a vital role in preparing young people to exercise civic leadership in the Inland Empire (IE) counties of Riverside and San Bernardino since 2005.
ICUC’s Youth Organizing Efforts in the Inland Empire, a new report authored by Veronica Terriquez, CSRC director, and Jazmine Miles, undergraduate sociology major at UC Santa Cruz, focuses on ICUC’s youth programming efforts. The young people who participate in ICUC’s training activities and community campaigns learn how to analyze social policies, navigate government decision-making processes, and exert their voice. The authors conclude that the ICUC’s young members are likely to continue working to improve their communities and to serve as role models. Their outreach efforts before the 2018 midterm elections, for example, are likely to boost civic engagement for years to come. The report can be downloaded as a PDF from the
CSRC website.
The Chicano Studies Research Center was named in the following news stories. All “In the News” articles are available in PDF format on the CSRC website.
Los Angeles Daily News, December 6, 2022
Los Angeles Times, December 4, 2022
Los Angeles Times, November 27, 2022
CALO News, November 15, 2022
Al Dia, November 11, 2022
UCLA Newsroom, November 8, 2022
UCLA Newsroom, November 7, 2022
UCLA Daily Bruin, November 4, 2022
UCLA Newsroom, October 31, 2022
UCLA Labor Center, October 26, 2022
USA Today, October 18, 2022
KSBY News, October 14, 2022
Newsweek, October 13, 2022
UCLA Newsroom, October 13, 2022
UCLA Newsroom, October 10, 2022
UC Riverside News, October 5, 2022
California 100, September 30, 2022
UC Riverside News, September 30, 2022
Governing, September 29, 2022
KPBS, September 23, 2022
UCLA Newsroom, September 15, 2022
KCET News, September 14, 2022
KSBY News, August 27, 2022
Aperture, August 25, 2022
Lompoc Record, August 21, 2022
Noozhawk, August 18, 2022
UCLA Newsroom, August 10, 2022
The New York Times, July 28, 2022
HTI Plaza, July 25, 2022
Daily Bruin, July 23, 2022
The Sacramento Bee, July 20, 2022
The UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (the Los Angeles basin and So. Channel Islands). As a land grant institution, we pay our respects to the Honuukvetam (Ancestors), ‘Ahiihirom (Elders) and ‘Eyoohiinkem (our relatives/relations) past, present and emerging.