Call for Applications: IUPLR/UIC Mellon Fellows Program, 2023-24
The Inter-University Program for Latino Research is now accepting applications for the IUPLR/UIC Mellon Fellowship Program for the 2023-24 academic year. This comprehensive fellowship program provides financial, writing, and professionalization support to doctoral students in the humanities who are writing dissertations in Latino/a/x Studies. The fellowship includes a $30,000 stipend, participation in virtual and in-person workshops, travel and participation in an academic conference, a year-long structured writing program, and outside faculty mentorship. Please read more about the mission of the fellowship here:
Eligibility and Requirements:
- Affiliation with one of the six designated research centers listed below.
- ABD status with significant writing progress made toward the dissertation and with the intention to complete their dissertation by the end of the fellowship year or shortly thereafter.
- Research and professional goals are in the field of Latino/a/x Studies and the humanities.
- Applicants should be planning to pursue an academic career in teaching and/or research.
- During the fellowship year, students must be enrolled at their home institution. Fellows must forego other employment during the year and plan to work full-time on the dissertation.
- Applicants must meet with and receive approval from the IUPLR director at their home institution before applying. UCLA applicants are to contact Rebecca Epstein, CSRC Assistant Director,
- Selected fellows are required to participate in a series of workshops held virtually in the summer and in-person in the fall (dates and structure TBD), attend and present in a Latino/a/x Studies conference (pending), and take part in a year-long structured mentorship, professionalization, and writing program. Failure to participate in all aspects of the program may result in the loss of funding.
IUPLR will select fellows affiliated with the following six designated research centers:
- The Center for Mexican American Studies and the Department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies at the University of Texas at Austin (Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez)
- The Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Houston (Pamela Quiróz)
- The Chicano Studies Research Center at UCLA (Veronica Terriquez)
- The Dominican Studies Institute at CUNY (Ramona Hernández)
- The Center for Puerto Rican Studies at CUNY (Yarimar Bonilla)
- The Latin American and Latino Studies Program at the University of Illinois Chicago (Jonathan Inda)
To apply, please submit the following materials via the online portal at by January 31, 2023:
- CV
- Cover letter that includes: 1) a description of your dissertation and its contributions to Latino/a/x Studies and the broader humanities, 2) your progress to completion with a detailed description of what you have finished already and your plan for finishing during the fellowship year, 3) how the fellowship will help you achieve your goals.
- All completed or advanced in-progress chapters compiled into a single PDF. This must include a dissertation outline with chapter titles, brief chapter summaries, and percentages of each chapter completed. If you do not have any chapters completed, you must submit the projected outline.
- Two recommendation letters (one from the applicant’s dissertation chair) due February 15, 2023. We will send your recommenders a form to upload their letters when you submit.
- Email of recognition by the IUPLR director of your home institution stating they have met with you and approve your intention to apply. Please send the email to Mellon Program Coordinator Deanna Ledezma before the January 31 deadline.