Brown-Collar Occupations in Local Labor Markets
Principal Investigator: Lisa Catanzarite (CSRC)
Research Assistants: Nadav Gabay and Paula Gutiérrez (both Ph.D. students in sociology, UC-San Diego).
Description: This project utilizes 1990 Census Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data on large, immigrant-receiving metropolitan areas to illuminate the earnings attainment process in brown-collar occupations (where immigrant Latinos concentrate). The analyses represent the first application of hierarchical modeling to questions concerning immigrant employment and elucidate occupation-level processes across multiple markets. These investigations further understanding of the importance of low-skilled immigration for earnings among less-educated workers. Funders include the Russell Sage Foundation and Spencer Foundation.
Reports & Briefs:
Lisa Catanzarite
Latino Policy and Issues Brief No. 8, September 2003