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September 20, 2017

The CSRC was mentioned in an article about the La Raza exhibition, now on view at the Autry Museum of American West. The exhibition features prints from a collection of 25,000 images that were taken by La Raza photographers and are being digitized by the CSRC.

September 20, 2017

KCET profiled Murales Rebeldes: L.A. Chicana/o Murals under Siege, an exhibition examining the reception of and struggle to preserve Chicano murals in Los Angeles.

September 20, 2017

Artist and UCLA faculty member Judith F. Baca was mentioned in an Artnet News piece for having her work featured in the Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA exhibit Radical Women on display at the Hammer Museum.

September 18, 2017

In this preview of Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA exhibitions, La Raza was one of the highlighted shows. The CSRC co-produced La Raza and is a lender to Murales Rebeldes: L.A. Chicana/o Murals under Siege, another Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA exhibition mentioned in the piece.

September 17, 2017

This review of the exhibition La Raza, co-produced by the CSRC, discusses the show’s relevance in today’s political climate.

September 16, 2017

NPR featured a review of La Raza exhibitioncurrently at the Autry Museum of the American West. The photographs in the exhibition were selected from an archive of over 25,000 images being digitized at the CSRC.

September 16, 2017

The Art Newspaper profiled Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA and highlighted a few of the exhibitions, including La Raza, which the CSRC co-produced with the Autry Museum of the American West.

September 16, 2017

Home artist Camilo Ontiveros discussed his sculpture Temporary Storage: The Belongings of Juan Manuel Montes in an interview with El Universal. The artwork draws attention to those affected by the repeal of DACA.

September 15, 2017

Home artist Camilo Ontiveros discussed his sculpture Temporary Storage: The Belongings of Juan Manuel Montes in a profile in the Los Angeles Times. The artwork draws attention to those affected by the repeal of DACA.

September 15, 2017

The Wall Street Journal surveyed Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA and mentioned the CSRC-organized exhibition Home—So Different, So Appealing as “essential on anybody’s PST list.”
