The Instagram account of CSRC donor Guadalupe Rosales was highlighted by the website Mitú. Rosales’ collection documents Southern California Chicano Life in the 1990s, and is housed at the Chicano Studies Research Center.
The Aztlán Anthology Series wins an Independent Publishers Book Award, a new blog entry on the CSRC Post, an upcoming roundtable with the directors of UCLA’s ethnic studies centers, updated finding aids, and more in this month’s newsletter!
[Image: Lalo Alcaraz’s Fuertes with the 2010 Census, front cover. From the David Damian Figueroa Papers, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Archives.]
Art Libraries Society of North America released a book review of Chicano and Chicana Art. A Critical Anthology, which was co-edited by CSRC director Chon A. Noriega, A VER boardmember Jennifer A. González, two-time CSRC visiting scholar C. Ondine Chavoya, and former CSRC Arts Projects Coordinator Terezita Romo.
CSRC assistant director emeritus Carlos Haro’s recent “Director’s Message,” which appeared in the April 2019 CSRC newsletter, discussed the opening at Theodore Roosevelt High School of an exhibition featuring photographs from CSRC collections that were taken during the 1968 student walkouts. The message was reprinted in a digital newsletter from Mónica García, president of the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education and board representative for District 2, which includes Roosevelt High.
The American Academy in Rome announced the winners of the 2019-20 Rome Prize and Italian Fellowships. CSRC director Chon A. Noriega was mentioned as being on the jury for applicants in the visual arts.
This ten-week summer internship at the CSRC is structured around current and ongoing CSRC projects in the arts and cultural heritage of the Chicano/Latino community. Deadline to apply: May 3, 2019, at 5 p.m. PST.
Roosevelt High School displays the CSRC’s 1968 walkouts exhibition, new publications from UCLA faculty and CSRC Press, upcoming book talks and a film screening, a new CSRC Post blog entry, and more in this month’s newsletter! [Image: Carlos Manuel Haro (center) with Monica Garcia and Charlotte Lerchenmuller, among others, at Roosevelt High School.]
CSRC director Chon A. Noriega was among the scholars and curators interviewed for a special section in the latest issue of Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture. The journal is edited by CSRC associate director Charlene Villaseñor Black.
Chicago Magazine published a feature on the acclaimed exhibition Laura Aguilar: Show and Tell, which is now on view at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago through August 18. The exhibition was organized by the Vincent Price Art Museum in collaboration with the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.
The Strachwitz Frontera Collection is the largest repository of commercially produced Mexican and Mexican American vernacular recordings in existence.