The exhibition Asco and Friends: Exiled Portraits, co-curated by Celine Kopp, Pilar Tompkins Rivas, and CSRC director Chon A. Noriega, was reviewed in the French newspaper La Provence. The exhibition, which includes numerous works from CSRC collections, is on display at Le Cartel in Marseille.
CSRC in France, an advance screening of "Cesar Chavez" with director Diego Luna, and a new issue of Aztlán! [Image: Pseudoturquoisers (fotonovela), 1981; color photograph by Harry Gamboa, Jr. Courtesy of the artist. © Asco; photograph © 1981 Harry Gamboa, Jr.]
The National Public Radio blog The Salt featured a story on the "Market Makeover" program led by Alex Ortega, CSRC associate director and the professor in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health.
The Aspen Institute invited Alex Ortega, CSRC associate director and professor of public health and psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, to challenge over 170 students from seventeen Los Angeles high schools to identify major health problems in their communities and develop strategies for combating those problems.
CSRC visiting scholar Alvaro Huerta was a guest on Tavis Smiley on February 5. Huerta discussed the premise of his recent book, Reframing the Latino Immigration Debate: Towards a Humanistic Paradigm (San Diego State University Press, 2013).
The segment can be viewed here.
The Smithsonian has acquired twelve photographs by Oscar Castillo, most of which were featured in the CSRC-organized exhibitions Icons of the Invisible: Oscar Castillo and Mapping Another L.A.: The Chicano Art Movement.