Call for Critical Dialogues: Aztlán

Aztlán, the premier journal of Chicano studies, is inviting your submissions!
Aztlán features three types of content: peer-reviewed essays, thematic dossiers, and book reviews. We are encouraging submissions for all three areas, described below, but we want to highlight the dossier section for the Fall 2015 edition, which will feature critical dialogues on topics relevant to Chicano studies. Rather than interviews, which emphasize one person’s perspective, we are seeking critical dialogues in which there is an extended discussion or debate over a particular topic. If you have a critical dialogue to submit, or would like to prepare one to be considered for this special dossier section, please contact Karrmen Crey, assistant editor, at To be considered, materials must be submitted by March 1, 2015
Our essays come form a wide variety of disciplines—literature, sociology, history, political science, the arts, linguistics, gender studies, ethnic studies, and many other fields—but always engage the Chicano experience. Essays are peer reviewed and are frequently revised to meet the journal's high standards for research and writing. Essays typically run about 10,000—12,000 words in length.

The overarching goal of the dossier section is to provide a forum for multiple and shorter engagements with a specific theme that examines an aspect of Chicana/o studies; this might be an object of study, theoretical or disciplinary questions, a methodology, or one scholar's work. The dossier section, while still of a scholarly nature, is designed to be exploratory, provocative, or experimental in approach. The dossier section is compiled by a guest curator or curators, and dossier articles are not refereed. Aztlán will consider working with a scholar who wishes to create a theme and who will help manage development of the dossier. Please contact Karrmen Crey at to explore this opportunity.

Book Reviews
If you are interested in writing a book review for Aztlán, we gladly consider suggested titles or we can recommend a book for you that matches your field of interest. Contact our book review coordinator, Daniel Zweifach, directly at to inquire about reviews.
To submit: All submissions should be sent to our submission inbox at For complete information about Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies and our submission guidelines, please visit our website at
Please direct queries to Karrmen Crey, assistant editor, at We look forward to your submissions!