CSRC Newsletter Volume 1, Number 4
Director's Message
On February 13, we proposed a Faculty Diversity Initiative to UCLA Chancellor Albert Carnesale, followed the next week by a town hall with community members in order to discuss the proposal and the underlying educational issues and challenges facing our increasingly diverse state. Since then, Chancellor Carnesale has requested that Vice Chancellor Claudia Mitchell Kernan conduct an evaluation of the proposal. That process in now underway.
The proposal has also received some serious attention from other UC campuses, the UC Office of the President, and state legislators. Our goal is simple and attainable: Use some of the 40 percent growth in UC faculty that will take place this decade in order to develop a world-class research and teaching capacity in Chicano studies and other ethnic studies. Then the UC system will be able to address the needs of its diverse state population.
We deeply appreciate all your support in this endeavor!
Chon A. Noriega, Director and Professor
CSRC Awarded Haynes Foundation Grant
The CSRC has received a $28,750 grant from The Haynes Foundation Archival Grant Program to launch a Chicano Studies Archival Program during 2003-04 as an essential component of the CSRC Library. Under this new program, the CSRC Archivist will process special collections and archival holdings related to the culture, history and achievements of the Chicano and Latino people of Los Angeles.
CSRC Holds Legislative Forum
On March 11, 2003, CSRC held a Legislative Community Forum attended by field representatives from the offices of State Senators Richard Alarcon, Gloria Romero, Gilbert Cedillo and Bob Margett, and Assembly Members Marco Antonio Firebaugh (Majority Floor Leader), Cindy Montañez, Judy Chu, Carol Liu, and Herb Wesson (Speaker). The forum addressed current and upcoming policy research at the Center, the critical issues facing Chicano Studies in the University of California, and areas for future collaboration on public policy related to the Chicano and Latino population.
CSRC Director Nominated for CPB Board
On March 7, Senator Tom Daschle recommended CSRC Director Chon Noriega to the White House for appointment to the Board of Directors of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The nomination is for an open Democratic slot on the board. On March 17, Noriega met with the White House's Rebecca Contreras, special assistant for presidential appointments. If all goes well, the nomination will move to the Senate for confirmation hearings this summer.
CSRC Associate Director Honored by Comisión Feminil
On March 27, Comisión Feminil de Los Angeles (CFLA) honored CSRC Associate Director Alicia Gaspar de Alba as one of eight Exceptional Women at an event celebrating Women's History Month. In addition to the CFLA award, California Governor Gray Davis and Assembly Member Judy Chu each presented Gaspar de Alba with special commendations.
The Word "Aztlán" a Violation of Civil Rights?
Now we've heard everything! Last month CalTrans (California Department of Transportation) threatened to withhold a $600,000 mural restoration/ preservation grant for Chicano Park in San Diego because they deemed the presence of the word "Aztlán" as too militant, "separatist" and possibly in violation of the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. After consultation with Title VI experts, CalTrans learned that Aztlán does not discriminate against anyone, and the agency withdrew its threat of censorship.
Events This Month
IAC Research Grant Workshop for Graduate Students
The CSRC will host a grant workshop for graduate students interested applying for IAC Research Grants in ethnic studies. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM, in the CSRC Conference Room (179 Haines Hall).
César E. Chávez: A Legacy of Leadership
The CSRC is proud to co-sponsor the UCLA César E. Chávez Center 's annual awards dinner,
César E. Chávez: A Legacy of Leadership,
Wednesday, April 9 in the Grand Horizon Ballroom, UCLA Covel Commons. The reception begins at 6:00 PM. with dinner at 7:00 PM. There will be an 8:00 PM. program featuring the presentation of the UCLA César E. Chávez Spirit Award honoring Luis Valdez, the legendary playwright and director, for his tireless efforts and creative visions on behalf of social justice, Chicana/o communities and farm workers. For tickets and inquiries call 310-825-9199 or visit the
Cesar Chavez Center. Seating is limited, so please call ASAP.
CSRC Faculty Exchanges
UCLA Law Professor Laura Gomez will present "Race, Colonialism and Criminal Law" on Thursday, April 10, from 12:00 NOON 1:00 PM. Due to limited seating, please RSVP to Tanya Boykin. Lunch provided.
UCLA Graduate Education and Information Studies Professor Clara Chu will present "Latino Archives: Claiming Our Past, Preserving Our Legacy" on Tuesday, April 22, from 12:00 NOON 1:00 PM. Due to limited seating, please RSVP to Tanya Boykin. Lunch provided.
CSRC Co-Sponsors Transnational Graduate Conference
The CSRC will co-sponsor the Transnational Cultures Across Generations conference at UCLA on April 11-12. The event is the second annual UC Transnational & Trans-colonial Studies Multi-campus Research Group Graduate Student Conference. Performances will take place on Friday at the Northwest Campus Auditorium, Sunset Village at 7:30 PM ; and panels will be held on Saturday in 314 Royce Hall from 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, followed by a reception. The program is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the organizers by e-mail or call 310-825-9581.
CSRC Community Health Forum
The CSRC will host a Community Health Forum this month featuring medical faculty and L.A.-based health professionals. CSRC Director Chon A. Noriega will co-moderate the forum with Professor David Hayes-Bautista, Director of the Center for the Study of Latino Health and Culture and former CSRC Director (1986-1991). Our next forum in May will focus on education.
Upcoming Events
CSRC Co-Sponsors First Conference on Latino Archives
The Sixth Institute of the Trejo Foster Foundation for Hispanic Library Education and the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center will host MEMORIA, VOZ Y PATRIMONIO: The First Conference on Latino/Hispanic Film, Print and Sound Archives at the University of California, Los Angeles, August 15-17, 2003. Proposals are being solicited for individual papers, panel sessions, and workshops. Potential topics include: the role of archives in preserving Latino cultural heritage and promoting individual and community rights; the use of primary sources in artistic and cultural production and entertainment; the integration of primary sources into K-12 and university education; the documentation of family and community life and traditions; funding, collecting and accessibility issues for Latino materials; and multicultural archival education. Poster sessions and exhibits relating to specific Latino archival projects, collections, or institutions are also welcomed.
Please submit the title of your presentation, panel, poster session, exhibit, or workshop, together with a 500-word abstract (in English and/or Spanish), and the names, affiliations and contact addresses of presenters by April 14. Notification of accepted proposals will be made by May 9. Accepted papers will be considered for publication following the conference. All proposals should be sent by mail or e-mail to the following address:
Anne Gilliland-Swetland
Chair, Conference Program Committee
UCLA Department of Information Studies
212 GSE&IS Building, Box 951520
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520
CSRC Library
CSRC Creates Library Fund Related to Hunger Strike
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the UCLA Hunger Strike, the CSRC announces the creation of a Library Fund to support related activities at the CSRC Library. Ten years ago, the proposed closing of the CSRC Library was one of the focal points of the Hunger Strike. Today, the Library is a vital and growing unit with new project-based grants and a full staff that includes a Librarian, Archivist, Curator, and Interns. But the state budget crisis has imposed a 20 percent permanent reduction in the Center's overall operating budget, posing a serious threat to our important efforts. In order to continue our development of a state-of-the-art library serving the community, we are asking for donations to the Library Fund. Donations will be used for (1) expanding the Hunger Strike special collection, (2) supporting library exhibitions in Chicano Studies, and (3) acquiring new books and reference works. For every $50 donation, the CSRC Library will include your name in the bookplate for one new acquisition. Director Chon Noriega has personally pledged a $250 donation, Associate Director Alicia Gaspar de Alba has pledged $200, and Assistant Director Carlos M. Haro has pledged $150--so we'll be seeing their names in twelve new books. Your tax-deductible donations will be a vital part of our continued success. You can make donations to the CSRC Library Fund by sending your checks made out to the "UCLA Foundation" to:
CSRC Library Fund
c/o Carlos M. Haro, Assistant Director
UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
193 Haines Hall
Los Angeles, CA Â 90095-1544
CSRC Press
Latino Policy & Issues Brief No. 6
The history of Latino art will be lost unless immediate and coordinated efforts are made to preserve materials from hundreds of community-based arts organizations, according to CSRC Arts Project Coordinator Rita González, who conducted a survey of leading Latino arts professionals, archivists, curators, and librarians. To receive an electronic copy, please send an email. and include in the body of your message the line (and nothing but the line) SUBSCRIBE CHICANO STUDIES [first name, last name]. To receive a hard copy, e-mail your postal address to Press with the subject line "subscribe briefs." Our next brief will be released by summer and will address wage penalties in "brown collar" occupations, by CSRC Senior Research Sociologist Lisa Catanzarite. Click here to read the briefs.
New "CSRC Research Report" Series
The CSRC launches an electronic-format "CSRC Research Report" series this month in order to make available timely research findings on the Chicano and Latino communities. The CSRC Research Report provides a more in-depth and extensive format than the CSRC Latino Policy & Issues Briefs, and a quicker turn around time than academic journals. The first report released by CSRC, "Looking for Latino Regulars on Prime-Time Television," measures the presence of Latino and other minority regular characters in the Fall 2002 network television season. CSRC Research Assistant Alison Hoffman conducted research on the report between October and December 2002. Click here to read or download the report.
Chicano Studies Grant Deadline Approaching
The Institute of American Cultures (IAC) in conjunction with the CSRC, announces the availability of small grants for support of research on Chicana/os. UCLA faculty, staff, graduate students, and IAC postdoctoral fellows/visiting scholars are eligible. Application forms can be obtained from the CSRC or the IAC Office, or on-line at
IAC. The IAC particularly encourages proposals that will make a contribution to the CSRC. It also invites proposals on interethnic relations that will increase collaboration between the UCLA ethnic studies centers and/or between the centers and other campus units. Prior to submission of the research proposal, applicants are encouraged to email
Carlos M. Haro to discuss their proposal. Applications must be received no later that 5:00 PM,
Wednesday, April 30. Awards will be announced beginning June.
Opportunities for Students
The CSRC welcomes undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in Chicano Studies to work as interns and volunteers in various areas of the Center. If interested, send an inquiry to Carlos M. Haro.
To learn more about us, visit UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center.
To subscribe to this newsletter, e-mail Press and include in the body of your message the line (and nothing but the line)
SUBSCRIBE CHICANO STUDIES [first name, last name] (don't enter the brackets, just your name)