Project STRIVE: Preventing Chronic Homelessness Among Runaway Teens
Principal Investigator: Norweeta Milburn, Associate Researcher, UCLA Center for Community Health
Co-investigator: Francisco Javier Iribarren, Assistant Director, CSRC
Description: The purpose of this longitudinal study headquartered at the UCLA Center for Community Health was to develop an intervention strategy to help families learn how to resolve family conflict, which is a primary reason that adolescents run away from home. This project generated the following publication:
NG Milburn, FJ Iribarren, E Rice, M Lightfoot, R Solorio, MJ Rotheram-Borus, K Desmond, A Lee, K Alexander, K Maresca, K Eastman, E Arnold & N Duan. “A Family Intervention To Reduce Sexual Risk Behavior, Substance Use, And Delinquency Among Newly Homeless Youth.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 50, 358-64, 2012.