Sal Castro and the Chicano Youth Leadership Conference: "The Development of Chicano Leadership Since 1963"

Event Date: 
Friday, May 26, 2006 -
9:00am to 8:00pm
Event Location: 
UCLA Faculty Center
Titled "The Sal Castro and the Chicano Youth Leadership Conference: The Development of Chicano Leadership Since 1963," the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center will host a one-day symposium on the Chicano Youth Leadership Conference (CYLC), Sal Castro, CYLC alumni, and the impact of the youth leadership conference series on Chicanos in California and their education. This symposium will bring together CYLC alumni, CYLC volunteers, and scholars to discuss the historical and educational impact of the high school leadership conferences.
The CYLC-Sal Castro symposium has been designed with several key objectives in mind.
  • First, it is intended to inform students and the general public about the series of Chicano Youth Leadership Conferences, starting in the 1960s, and the role of these conferences in the preparation of a new generation of Chicana/o leaders.
  • Second, to consider the role of Sal Castro and CYLC alumni and volunteers in the movement for educational reform on behalf of Chicana/o students, including the “Walkouts” of 1968.
  • Third, to honor the efforts of Sal Castro and the many CYLC volunteers involved in the high school leadership conferences.
  • Fourth, the symposium is intended to inform participants about research related to CYLC and the work of Sal Castro so as to advance the field of Chicana/o Studies.
Historically, the series of Chicano Youth Leadership Conferences (CYLC) are the most recognized high school leadership conferences in California . Over the past forty-three years the high school leadership development conference has prepared a generation of Chicana/o leadership and has contributed to the community in a manner that has no equal. The alumni of the conference include a Mayor of Los Angeles, a State Supreme Court Justice, several LAUSD superintendents, many LAUSD principals and teachers, members of the United States Congress, County Supervisors , and a growing number of University Professors. Alumni also include members of print and electronic media, film makers and producers, artists, and members of every profession. At the center of the Chicano Youth Leadership Conferences is Sal Castro, a life-long Los Angeles school teacher who earned a national reputation as a school reformer.
CYLC was founded in 1963 in response to the harsh reality that Chicano students fared last in education, dropout rates exceeded any other ethnicity, and the likelihood of Chicanos attending a college or university was very low. CYLC brought together groups of high school students at Camp Hess Kramer with the primary objective of encouraging the student participants to graduate from high school, enter college, graduate and seek advanced degrees to become responsible leaders. This has been ongoing for over four decades.
With the year 2006 year marking the forty-third anniversary of the Chicano Youth Leadership Conferences, the UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center recognize the important timing of this event and the need to continue the quest for educational reform and respect of Chicana/o students that is at the core of Sal Castro's work and his guidance of the Chicano Youth Leadership Conferences.

 The symposium has four sections:

•  Presentations related to CYLC and Sal Castro
•  Panel of CYLC volunteers
•  Panel of CYLC alumni and students of Sal Castro
•  Sal Castro lecture and screening of film “Walkout”
Presenters and panelists are listed below.
Welcome and Introductions
Carlos M. Haro, Symposium Organizer
Chon A. Noriega, CSRC Director
Session 1– Scholars who have done research related to Los Angeles history, CYLC, Sal Castro, the Chicana/o student movement
Carlos M. Haro
Rudy Acuna, CSUN (history of Los Angeles and the historical context for the CYLC)
Juan Gomez Quinones, UCLA (history of the Chicano student movement and CYLC)
Dolores Delgado Bernal (Chicanas in the CYLC and the 1968 Walkouts)
Session 2– Focus on Sal Castro and his actions to change education to meet the needs of Chicana/os
Mario Garcia, UCSB
Robin Avelar La Salle (high school student of Sal Castro; conducted research on the educational issues raised by Sal Castro during his career)
Session 3 – Panel of CYLC Volunteers who helped organize and implement CYLC and who have leadership and professional careers; including teaching and academic careers
Leonard Valverde, ASU
Myrna Gonzalez Brutti
Robert Bautista, Belmont High School
Fatima Castaneda, Occidental
Araceli Lopez, USC Graduate student
Natalie Mendoza
Session 4 - Lunch
Session 5 – CYLC alumni and students of Sal Castro who have moved into leadership positions and various professions and who continue to support CYLC
Paula Crisostomo, Occidental College (CYLC alumni and 1968 Walkout student leader)
Armando Duron, Lawyer (CYLC alumni, volunteer with CYLC)
Rita Ledesma, CSULA Professor (Upward Bound with Sal Castro in 1960s)
Justice Carlos Moreno, California Supreme Court Judge (CYLC alumni and volunteer at CYLC)
Susan Racho, Producer and Filmmaker (UCLA student volunteer who assisted Sal Castro in 1968 and later with CYLC)
Film Screening (segment): “Taking Back the Schools”
Session 6 - "No Se Dejen! Go to College ... and Graduate!"
Carlos M. Haro
Monica Garcia, LAUSD Board Member
Sal Castro
Mita Curon
Reception and Evening Program - Screening of "Walkout" at Fowler Museum
Chon A. Noriega
Moctesuma Esparza, Producer, “Walkout” (HBO, 2006); CYLC alumni and 1968 Walkout student leader
Carlos M. Haro
Sal Castro
To view the official program, which includes additional materials, see the attached PDF.
This event is viewable on CSRC YouTube:
Hour 6 (Break)

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